Monday, August 1, 2011

dun-dun, dun-dun...da-na-na SHARK WEEK!

As most you know once a year Discovery Channel scares the crap out of us with a weeklong stint devoted to nothing but sharks; big, scary meat eating sharks. The aptly dubbed “Shark Week” has, since its inception in 1987, captivated viewers worldwide. The shows’ allure is part fascination and part fear. We as humans have always seemed to be fascinated with things that can kill us and it is undoubtedly this morbid fascination we as humans have with sharks that makes this show so damn popular. Nothing beats the summer heat like a trip to the beach but Shark Week may have some of us questioning whether or not a trip to the beach is really worth it. While the chance of you, the reader, actually being attacked by a shark is minuscule, the images of what is lurking below, especially if you watch Shark Week, are undoubtedly ingrained within your psyche. In fact the only thing harder than ignoring the all too familiar dun-dun theme music playing in the back of your head is ungluing yourself from the television while Shark Week is on.

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